Augmented and Virtual Reality

Analytics and metrics available to be retrieved:
  • Number of users that try on headsets
  • Most popular menu items
  • Time spent on the experience
  • Takeaway opportunities for post-event engagement and pipeline management

Content options:  New development with existing or new creative assets.
Rental and purchase options available.

Augmented and Virtual Reality
This activation is ideal for gamification purposes. Create a fun and immersive experience. Hands-on experience where the user can uncover a story. Audiences have a need to experience brands, that’s what they will remember after a trade show. AR and VR experiences provide a fun way to immerse attendees in your brand and a different angle on how to present content in a very visual expressive way.
Product Video


  • Augmented Reality Demonstration


  • Augmented Reality Demonstration



  • Augmented Reality "Inside the Lens"


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